In Madhya Pradesh there is no green building. The concept of developing green building has failed miserably in the state.
Though there are a good number of green buildings in India, some of the states are not in favor of this concept. There are 352 green buildings in India.
Maharashtra has the maximum number of green buildings. While it tops the list, Delhi-NCR stands second. The list is followed by Tamil Nadu and Karnataka respectively.
There are 41 Green buildings in Karnataka. Out of these, majority of the buildings are in Bangalore. The city has 39 such buildings.
The builders in Madhya Pradesh show no interest in developing projects under the green building concept. First of all the registration process is lengthy. Secondly it is costly too.
The builders blame that the property prices will be hiked by 15% if we go for green rating. Â Indian Green Building Council is the authority which rates green buildings.
A green building is rated on the basis of its performance. These buildings are to be more energy efficient. The generation of waste, water consumption, etc. are other criteria for rating the building. All the more, these buildings are to assure healthier living atmosphere.
Recent reports show that the demand for green-oriented projects is increasing in many of the top cities. There is higher demand for such projects in Bangalore, Gurgaon, Hyderabad and Mumbai. NCR too has a handful of green projects.
Mehta Associates’ Jitendra Mehta agrees with the fact that the process is lengthy. He is a member of IGBC from MP. He adds that cost of registration also is higher.
The benefits will be available after seven to eight years. This also drives the developers away from developing such projects.
Mr. Mehta said that over a half of the new projects is energy efficient. Yet, the builders do not go for the Green Certificates to avoid extra cost.