India is in Favorites’ list of Retailers

Photo by HelveticaFanatic
Although countries like China and Britain are ahead in the race but India has still managed to acquire 39th position in the favorites list of retailers in the world.

In 2008, the CB Richard Ellis (CBRE), a real estate consultancy conducted a survey in which India was ranked as the 44th preference of retailers. It is an appreciable growth of 5 ranks in just 2 year s. This survey was called ‘How Global is the Business of Retail?’

This survey conducted by CBRE is an annual survey which involves around 294 top retailers of the world across 69 countries. Britain acquired 1st position in the list, followed by the UAE, the US, France and China.

The chairman and managing director of CBRE, Anshuman Magazine said that since the last year’s survey, the growth of Indian retail market is commendable. However, the recent global economic crisis has slowed down the activities since it led to delay in completion of retail projects.