Ashiana Housing Ltd brought fame to Indian Realty Market

Forbes magazine for 2010 made a list on ‘Asia’s Best Under A Billion’ in which the only real estate company from India to get through is Delhi-based Ashiana Housing Ltd.

From India, 39 companies were listed out of which Ashiana Housing Ltd which is the only Indian company representing realty sector. Across all over the Asia, only 5 real estate companies represented the real estate sector and Ashiana Housing Ltd is one of them.

In all, 200 companies were listed by the magazine out of which 39 were Indian companies while 71 were China and Hong Kong based.  However, the number of Indian companies has increased from 20 in last year’s list.
This list has been prepared after considering around 13,000 publicly listed Asia-Pacific companies. These are the companies that have revenues under $1 billion. The selection criteria for these 200 companies was

  1. sales growth
  2. earnings growth
  3. shareholders’ return on equity